The Volkswagen Group, which owns brands such as Audi, Bentley and Porsche, leads the industry in profitability and is aggressively striving to become the top car manufacturer in the world in terms of sales. 大众汽车集团旗下拥有奥迪(Audi)、宾利(Bentley)和保时捷(Porsche)等多个品牌,在利润方面处于业内领先地位,并且正力求成为世界上销量最高的汽车厂商。
M: Then I'd like to know your availability of the products and the terms of sales, such as mode of payment, delivery, discounts, etc. M:那我希望知道知道你们产品的实用性以及销售模式,如付款方式、运输、折扣等等。
Queries to analyze ratios, rankings, and clusters, such as "Rank our best customers in terms of dollar sales over the last year." 用于分析比率、等级和集群的查询,例如“按照去年中的美元销售列出最佳客户。”
But Nokia's rivals are still way ahead in terms of sales. 但诺基亚的竞争对手在销量方面仍遥遥领先。
The question remains if a brand-new product the Apple Watch due for release early next year could one day become a star that rivals the iPhone in terms of sales and profit. 一直萦绕在苹果头上的问题是,会不会有一款全新的产品比如定于明年初发售的AppleWatch在某一天成为明星,在销售额和利润上堪比iPhone?
Studies show that positive employees outperform negative employees in terms of productivity, sales, energy levels, turnover rates and health care costs. 研究表明,态度积极的员工在各方面都要优于态度消极的员工,包括生产力、销售力、工作热情、流动率和医疗费用等方面。
The top three companies in terms of sales are all joint ventures with the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation. 前三大汽车制造商都是同上海汽车工业公司合资的企业。
In terms of sales of products like cola, it only means selling out the products but not keeping a close touch with the dealers. 像可乐这样的产品,销售只是要把货品卖出去,与经销商的接触较少。
But isn't Hong Kong the coveted real-estate market in terms of number of sales and price? 但是,无论从销量还是价格都令人垂涎的难道不是香港的房地产市场吗?
The main reason for companies to do international marketing is to exploit a better business opportunity in terms of increased sales and profits. 公司进行国际市场营销的主要原因是通过寻找更好的商业机会来增加销售和利润。
That allowed them to identify the industries of interest to each Senator: if an industry ranked in the top three in terms of sales, it was labelled "important" to that state. 这可以让他们确定与每位参议员有利益关系的行业:如果一类行业在销售额方面排名前三,就被标记为对该州“很重要”。
Contractors who will be building the houses at the identified site will have to strictly abide by the terms of the sales contract. 负责承建这个项目的承包商,将来在划定的场地内建设住房之同时,还要严格遵守售房合同中的规定条款。
Selling company's products and services to achieve the assigned sales target in terms of sales, margins and market share and contributing to maximize organization's results; 负责销售公司产品及服务,在销售量、利润和市场占有率上完成指定的销售任务,最大限度为公司做出贡献;
She has conducted various vendor profiles that identified success strategies in terms of marketing, sales and channel management. 她建立了不同厂商的档案,其中收录了各厂商在市场营销、销售和渠道管理方面的成功策略。
In addition to deciding on optimal dealership locations, it is important to justify areas and locations in terms of sales potential. 仅决定最佳经销点位是不够的,根据销售潜力对销售区域进行调整同样至关重要。
"Footfall is up9 per cent on the same time last year," he said." In terms of sales it is looking like a bumper year for the centre. " “客流量比去年同期上升了9%,”他说,“至于购物的中心销售量,看来也是个大年。”
In settling on a fair price, firms will evaluate their own costs, current pricing laws, what the competition is doing, arid the type of discounts and terms of sales that are customary in the industry. 为了确定一个公平的价格,企业必须对他们自己的成本、现行的定价法、竞争状况以及折扣的种类和行业中惯常的销售条件进行评估。
Achieve the sales target: achieve the confirmed sales aim in terms of quantity and sales profit margin. 完成销售目标:在数量和销售利润两方面达成已既定的销售目标。
According to the provisions, the shareholders of listing companies which meet the requirements may from this day conduct financing by using the shares pledge unrestricted in terms of sales. 根据该规定,符合条件的上市公司股东即日起可以用无限售条件的股票质押进行融资。
The sales volume of China Education Press, first in terms of book sales in the country, was less than US$ 100 million last year. 中国图书销售第一位的中国教育出版社去年的销售额不足1亿美元。
However, when asked about the prospects for growth of their own businesses in terms of sales, US owners were more optimistic than those in the EU. 然而,在关于自己企业的销售增长前景方面,美国企业主表现得比欧盟的企业主更为乐观。
Have you achieved your goals in terms of recruitment and sales this summer? 这个夏天,你在买卖球员方面是否已经达到了既定目标?
According to HAase, 2007 has been "the best year ever" in terms of sales volumes and prices. 据哈斯称,从销售量和价格上来说,2007是“最好的一年”。
In terms of quantity and sales, small and medium listed companies in China have an important contribution to economic development and status, in addition, the growth of small and medium listed companies is the basis of large enterprises strategic allies and partners. 中小企业无论从数量还是销售额,在我国经济发展中有着重要贡献和地位,此外,中小企业是大企业的成长基础,战略盟友和合作伙伴。
Under the profit maximization objectives, banks generally set constraints in terms of cost or sales. 在利润最大化目标下,银行一般会对成本或销售量提出要求。
Based on subsample of 93 firms which consistently hire the same type of CEO, family firms with external CEO in general outperform those with family member CEO in terms of sales growth and earnings growth over medium-to-long term period. 基于对93家持续聘用同种类型CEO的家族企业的研究,发现拥有外部CEO的家族企业的中长期销售和利润增长整体上优于家族成员CEO。